
Friday, April 24, 2009

Thesis Complete!

Have polished off my thesis and uploaded it to moodle. overall I'm happy with it, It feels like a proper document and overall seems to be ok, I am not happy with what I done on the practical side of things and would have liked to have written more in the design & implementation section about additional features of Android that i would have loved to have featured in the application.

Unfortunately time ran against me and it just was not possible, I beleieve I do however have a framework application that will allow me to expand the feature set of the application quite easily and implement proper rich functions in the future.

I will continue on with the project despite the end of the college term and will continue to update my website

Friday, April 17, 2009

Draft complete

After having to stop practical development on my application prototype with it not being up to my standard at all I got to work on the document and have finished the first full draft today, appendix have yet to be added but the bulk of the work is done and I'm pretty happy with what I have, awaiting lecturer feedback to see if that happiness is justified

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting close to the finish line but still miles to go!

ok bit of an update,

The application itself is beginning to take shape all be it a little slowly, I have all the parts I need to make the application but just cant seem to find a good bit of free time to work on it.

The write up is due soon as well and I haven't even thought about it, so things are gonna get a bit hairy for the next few weeks I would say!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

under pressure!

well after a quiet start to semester two after some of me being lazy and getting hit with a sickness that stopped me from working on anything for a week and a half suddenly a lot of work has piled up.

I however have managed to get an app put together, that incorporates the main functions that I want and it works, however on further testing it appears it doesn't work as well as I thought and with the work load it has taken a back seat again.

Hopefully though when I get the assignments of this week over and done with I can find time to iron out the problems

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another overdue update!!

Got myself a G1 phone last week so I have been playing with that and it has actually impressed me a lot more than I though it would, I had read up on all the issues it had but am still very impressed with the phone, it is lacking the finesse of the iphone but still I'd back latter releases to address the issues.

The most important thing is that it holds Android and allows me to deploy my application live (hopefully)

I used the phone to test the Gps indoors but as I had suspected I could not get a single so my mapping of the corridors of dkit idea using the gps is out.

in its place is my idea to use the Gps to direct users to specific car parks in Dkit and display parking information such as payment required depending on the time of day etc..

In development terms I have been playing around with Gui's and mapping apps and such and have all the pieces I need to create my app, its just getting them to work together now and i fear I may not create a silky enough app to do the Android platform justice!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Feedback on Interim Report

So I got my interim report feedback sheet back and got %71.2 which is pretty good, i am happy with it, although I know i could have done better. The main issue was that I had not lay down the outline of what my application will actually do or any design at all. I was aware of this and becomes of time constraints I didn't get it it.

I am feeling a bit anxious at the minute because I feel I am a bit behind in what I would have liked to have done by this stage and think I should get my ass in gear a bit more

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back to the grind

Back in college yesterday, Haven't posted anything over the holiday period at all because basically I didn't do anything, not due to the lack of interest in the project just because it wasn't possible.

But I'm back at college now and starting to get going again, the first few weeks or so will be all about getting stuck into the programming of the application, design and implementation, so while I have an idea in my head as to what I want I am going to have to implement and test and play around with things to see how it goes.

I plan to update my website this week too -